Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) is hosting the 6th annual Illustration Research Symposium in November. The event is co-sponsored with a consortium of teachers, illustrators, and art historians through The Illustration Research Network, based in London. The symposium, entitled Illustrator as Public Intellectual, will take place from November 5th-7th, 2015 with panels in both the RISD Chace Center and the ISB Gallery. We have a rich program of presentations that were selected in a double-blind review process from over 80 submissions. (Schedule below and attached.)
To attend the conference, please follow the registration directions at: http://illustrationresearch.co.uk.
We look forward to meeting you at the Illustration Research Symposium, and to hearing your contributions to the discussion over the course of two day event. Please email us at irsymposium@risd.edu if you have questions about the program.
Please spread the word about this important event to colleagues interested in Illustration and Visual Culture Studies.
The Illustrator as Public Intellectual
6th Annual International Illustration Research Symposium
November 5-7, 2015
Hosted by Rhode Island School of Design Providence, Rhode Island USA
Thursday, November 5, 2015
6:00 - 7:30 pm Reception and Opening of Conference Exhibition
Little Pieces, Big Ideas ISB Gallery
Friday, November 6, 2015 CHACE AUDITORIUM
8:00 - 9:30am
Registration (RISD Museum Lobby)
9:30 - 10:30am
Welcome and Introduction
10:30am - 12:00pm
PANEL:Challenging Professional Identities and Roles
The Sabotage of Intellectualism in Illustration
Bee Hughes Liverpool John Moores University
Inside the Outsiders: Intellectual Creativity and Social Concerns
Gary Powell University of Brighton
“Clinging to the Masthead:" Illustrator/Author John McDermott's Intellectual Look in the Professional Mirror
Roger Reed Illustration House, Inc. NY
Illustration: Towards an Understanding of Expertise in Practice
David Blaiklock University of South Australia
1:30 - 2:30pm
PANEL:Visual Satirist as Public Intellectual
Picturing the Perils of Finance Capitalism: German Illustrators and the 1873 Crash
Marsha Morton Pratt Institute
Thomas Nast’s “Appropriations”: Agency and the Mechanically-Produced Image in Nineteenth-Century America
Stephanie Delamaire Winterthur Museum
Illustrating The Vacuum
Duncan Ross Ulster University
3:00 - 4:00pm
PRESENTATION & ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION: Cartooning & Illustration as Modes of Authorship: Cousins, Siblings or Twins?
D. B. Dowd Washington University in St. Louis
Seymour Chwast Alliance Graphique Internationale, Co-Founder Push Pin Studio
Nora Krug Parsons School of Design
Anita Kunz Anita Kunz Ltd.
4:10 - 5:10pm
Multi-Option Presentations (select one)
Chris Glynn and Richard Parry: ‘In And Out Of The Margins: Affirming The Illustrator As Philosopher and Boundary Catalyst in the Public Realm’
Library Special Collections
RISD Museum
Edna Lawrence Nature Lab
5:10 - 6:10pm
Reception (RISD Museum Lobby)
6:15 - 7:15pm
Keynote: Rick Poynor
Saturday, November 7, 2015 CHACE AUDITORIUM
Note: Panels run concurrently in Chace Auditorium and ISB Gallery, see below.
9:30 - 10:45am
PANEL:Image Reference and Authorship
Metapictures: Signposts to an Illustrated Public Space
Stuart Medley Edith Cowan University
The Impact of Data Collection Technology on the Sophistication of Visual Thinking
Lisa French New England School of Art & Design; Suffolk University
Evidence and Illumination
Catrin Morgan Falmouth University
The Forgetful Act: Erasure and Forgetfulness in Illustrative Reportage
James Walker University for the Creative Arts
11:00am - 12:45pm
PANEL:Illustrators Usurping Writers
Shifting Authorship - Defining the illustrator’s Role in Illustrated Adult Fiction
Franziska Walther Illustrator, Weimar & Hamburg, Germany
Subverting Authority in Illustrations of Dante’s Divine Comedy
Matthew Collins Harvard University
Everett Shinn, The Salamander, and Illustrative Resistance
Alexis Boylan University of Connecticut
Illustration as Theory: Finnegan’s Wake and the Illustration of Ideas
Stephen Crowe Illustrator, Seattle
2:00 - 3:15pm
PANEL:Practitioners in Collaboration With Clients & Audiences
Urban Dissection
Nayana Gupta Srishti Institute Of Art
Scientific Illustration as a Specific Kind of Research
Kathrin Amelung Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
The Art of Conservation
Chloe Bulpin Creature Conserve
You Look Like The Right Type
Mark Smith The City College of New York
3:30 - 5:30pm
Confidence, Conviction & Depth: Emboldening Illustration Students
Luise Vormittag Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London
The Power of Forms: Abstraction and Imagination, Representationalism and Power
Dushan Milic The Ontario College of Art and Design
Pedagogy and/as Illustration: The Art School as Social Medium
Richard Miles Leeds College of Art
Stereotypes and Paradigms: Revolutionizing Archetypes in Illustration
Robert Brinkerhoff Rhode Island School of Design
5:45 - 6:15pm
Closing remarks in Chace Auditorium
6:30 - 7:30pm
RISD LIBRARY Closing Reception
Saturday, November 7, 2015 (cont.) ISB GALLERY
Note: Panels run concurrently in ISB Gallery and Chace Auditorium; see above
9:30 - 10:45am
PANEL:Public Intellectuals of the Past
Beyond Pure Illustration: An Analysis of Reza Abbasi’s Works
Mina Rouhanian Illustrator, Designer; Tehran, Iran
Illustrating the Empire: The Making of a Modern Technocratic Intellectual in 19th Century China
Kaijun Chen Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
The Illustrator as Biographer / The Illustrator as Archivist: The Dalziel Family, 1839-1893
Bethan Stevens University of Sussex
A History of Everyday Things in England: Illustrators of Social History in mid 20th Century Britain
Desdemona McCannon Manchester School of Art, Manchester Metropolitan University
11:00am - 12:45pm
PANEL:Cultural representation and intervention in the USA
Looking the Other Way: David Hunter Strother, Race, and The Rise of Mass Visual Culture
Christopher Lukasik Purdue University
Diversity, Perception, and Responsibility in Illustration
Robyn Pendleton University of Delaware
Drawing The Other: Illustration and Representation
Sabrina Scott Illustrator, Designer; Toronto
Un-Drawing Lines / Re-Drawing Race: Illustrating the Black Subject and the case for Critical Race Design Studies
John Jennings University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
2:00 - 3:15pm
PANEL:Cultural representation and intervention outside the USA
Rabbi Jesus: Social Harmony in Oscar Cahén’s Illustrations for Magazine Digest, 1944-1946
Jaleen Grove Wilfred Laurier University
Hilmi al-Tuni, Evoking Popular Arab Culture
Yasmine Taan Lebanese American University
The Illustrator As Political Author
Jana Traboulsi American University of Beirut
My English Textbook
Harini Kannan Illustrator, Chennai,India
3:30 - 5:30pm
PANEL:New Markets, New Media, and the Fine Art Arena
Illustrations: Second Class Citizens or Grassroot Workers?
Priyanka Jain Visual Art, Stuttgart
Move over Darling; the Reader as the Ideal Illustrator
Nanette Hoogslag Anglia Ruskin University
The New Middle: Has the Internet Helped Shorten the Void Between Illustration and Fine Art?
Jay Taylor Coventry University
50 Markets of Illustration: A Showcase of Contemporary Illustration
John Roman New York Society of Renderers
5:45 - 6:15pm
Closing remarks in Chace Auditorium
6:30-7:30 pm
RISD LIBRARY Closing Reception